About the Journal

International Journal of Mechanical Computational And Manufacturing Research invites you to consider submitting original research papers for possible publication after peer review. The scope of this international, scholarly journal is aimed at rapid dissemination of new ideas and techniques and to provide a common forum for significant research and new developments in areas of Mechanical Computational And Manufacturing Research.

The International Journal of Mechanical Computational And Manufacturing Research is published in English using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal’s homepage without the need for a subscription. Accepted papers will be available online followed by printed in hard copy. The manuscripts should be in MS-word format and submitted to the journal online through journal's homepage.

The Journal welcomes papers related to Mechanical Computational And Manufacturing Research including but not limited to the areas of: Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics and Combustion, Computational Fluid Mechanics, Energy Science and Technology, Environmental Applications to Engineering Problems, Power Generation, Applied Mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Design and Optimization, Mechanics of Materials, Manufacturing Processes, Mechatronics and Nanotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing Process, Electropolishing/ Electropolishing, Electrochemical Machining, Additive Manufacturing, Electrical Discharge Machining, Advanced Path Planning of Industrial Robots, Advanced Control System of Industrial Robots, Sustainable Manufacturing, Computational Approach, method development in solid, fluid mechanics and materials simulations with application to biomechanics and mechanics in medicine, multiphysics, fracture mechanics, multiscale mechanics, particle and meshfree methods, Computational Science and Engineering: The finite element method, boundary element method, finite difference method, meshless techniques, peridynamics, automated and adaptive analysis methods, and engineering design and optimization.
Industrial Applications: Aerospace, biological, chemical, civil, mechanical, materials science, and manufacturing processes.
Computational Processes: Algorithms, software technology and tools, high performance computing and parallel and distributed computing, artificial intelligence, scientific visualization and virtual reality - all in the context of simulation of natural and physical phenomena.