
Raihanah Sari
Fathul Jannah
Yogi Prihandoko
Nahdia Fitri Rahmaniah


21st century learning requires students to have 4C skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving and creativity and innovation). These skills are high-level thinking abilities or what we usually call HOTS. Critical thinking skills are very important in learning at school so learning and assessment must be designed to develop critical thinking skills. The evaluation tool used must take into account students' higher-order thinking abilities which encourage students to use HOTS abilities. The evaluation tools used in elementary schools are still not HOTS based, so they do not measure critical thinking abilities. Innovation to develop critical thinking evaluation tools in elementary school aims to: (1) produce an assessment instrument that can measure high-level thinking abilities (HOTS), (2) produce an assessment instrument that can measure critical thinking abilities. This research uses a type of development research (Research and Development). The results of the research state that the evaluation tool can be used as an assessment instrument capable of measuring higher order thinking abilities (HOTS) such as critical thinking skills


How to Cite
Radiansyah, Sari, R., Jannah, F., Prihandoko, Y., & Rahmaniah, N. F. (2024). Development of evaluation tools HOTS based project learning model to improve critical thingking ability. International Journal of Curriculum Development, Teaching and Learning Innovation, 3(1), 01–08. Retrieved from https://trigin.pelnus.ac.id/index.php/Curriculum/article/view/127
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Author Biography

Yogi Prihandoko, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat